My sweet little boy, I can't believe you are two! It feels like just yesterday you were coming into this world.
You have been a joy to us from the second you were born. There were some rough patches in the beginning when we were both learning but we figured it all out. You and me (and Dadda) found our rhythm, learned each others' nature, and found our new, wonderful normal (a normal that changed every two weeks when you were little).
Then your little personality started showing. Mimi and Papa said you were just like your dadda when he was a little guy. Always moving. Always jumping. You would sit still just to focus very intently on something and then jump up and run in circles.
Winnie the Pooh is also a joy of yours. All of the characters from the Hundred Acre Wood are your little buddies. We pray for Pooh, "Pippet", Eeyore, Tigger, Kanga, and Roo on a daily basis. Somehow Owl and Rabbit haven't made the cut but I don't blame you...they are kinda annoying.
Then you found your love for transportation. Oh what a love this is. All things cars, trucks, trains, boats, planes, etc. is your life! You run out to see the garbage truck, squeal with delight every time you see a firetruck or ambulance, and yell "car!" or "truck!" over and over again when we are on the road. Oh the joy it brings me to hear and see your excitement.

You love to give kisses and hugs. You smile at me and say "I love you" and "Proud of you" throughout the day. Oh how my heart sings to hear you say those precious words. You scream "AMEN!!" when we pray and delight in singing and music. You dance around the house and have your little friends (cars, trucks, trains, pooh characters, etc.) dance with you. Of course you are a two year old and just like you feel happy emotions so strongly, you feel all other emotions with equal force. Sure, you have your share of temper tantrums and there are days when we both look frazzled when Dadda comes home, but I know we are just finding our rhythm once again. You are learning how you feel and how to express those feelings and I'm learning right along with you.

My precious boy, you are a delight to my life and to the lives of those around you. I thank God daily for blessing me with being your momma. Dadda and I love you more than words can ever express and could not be more proud of you. Although my heart aches that you are growing up so fast, it sings with how much I love you and who you are.
My heart is melting at this post...So many good memories and so entertaining to read this while watching him make animal sounds in his crib on the monitor...